By writing and headlining his article "White People, You Will Never Look Suspicious Like Trayvon Martin," Mr. Skolnik uses reasoning and logic to appeal to a sense of outrage that the country, all citizens must feel, watching the consequences of racial profiling, hate-filled language, and gun power.
The following are excerpts of his article:
"I will never look suspicious to you. Even if I have a black hoodie, a pair of jeans and white sneakers fact, that is what I wore yesterday...I still will never look suspicious. No matter how much the hoodie covers my face or how baggie my jeans are, I will never look out of place to you. I will never watch a taxi cab pass me by to pick someone else up. I will never witness someone clutch their purse tightly against their body as they walk by me. I won't have to worry about a police car following me for two miles, so they can "run my plates." I will never have to pay before I eat. And I certainly will never get "stopped and frisked." I will never look suspicious to you, because of one thing and one thing only. The color of my skin. I am white.
"So, I fight for Trayvon Martin. I fight for Amadou Diallo. I fight for Rodney King. I fight for every young black man who looks "suspicious" to someone who thinks they have the right to take away their freedom to walk through their own neighborhood. I fight against my own stereotypes and my own suspicions. I fight for people whose ancestors built this country, literally, and who are still treated like second class citizens. Being quiet is not an option, for we have been too quiet for too long.
Read the whole article right here:
Such news causes us to want to share with our friends. We want to interact with the events. We are living in an interactive world. Fighting for justice in the era of social media is being able to share the events of the day and the stories that baffle us. A black boy described as suspicious and racially profiled was hunted down and gunned down by a mixed white/hispanic neighborhood watch captain who claims self-defense. The black boy was walking down a street on his way back from a convenience store. His killer is still free. No charges are brought against him yet. Yet! The case will eventually go to a grand jury amidst startling revelations of evidence. The FBI is watching and wants to review all the evidence. Finally, there is a little of bit of hope for justice!
This week, another young man walked home and closed the door behind him in New York. Two plainclothes police officers kicked their way into the African American young man's home and shot him. Fortunately, a camera caught their actions.
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