Even Tyler Perry can get racially profiled. On his facebook page, he wrote about one incident when he was pulled over and badgered by two police officers who wanted to know why he thought somebody was following him and why he had made a left turn from the right lane.
How 'Yes Sir' and 'No Sir' can save your life: Wisdom from Black Guys Who Survived Racial Profiling
On the side of the road, Tyler perry remembered what his mother had taught him. Those nuggets of advice may have saved his life.
Here's Tyler's account.
"I reached down into the cup holder to get the key, not realizing that the key had a black leather strap on it. As I grabbed it they both tensed up and I dropped it as I heard my mother’s voice from when I was a little boy.
My mother would always say to me, “if you get stopped by the police, especially if they are white policemen, you say ‘yes sir’ and ‘no sir’, and if they want to take you in, you go with them. Don’t resist, you hear me? Don’t make any quick moves, don’t run, you just go.” My mother was born in 1945 into a segregated hotbed town in rural Louisiana. She had known of many colored men at the time who were lynched and never heard from again. Since I was her only son for ten years, growing up she was so worried about me. It wasn’t until after I heard her voice that I realized that both of these officers were white....."
“As I stepped out of the car another officer pulled up in front of my car. This officer was a black guy. He took one look at me and had that “Oh No” look on his face. He immediately took both officers to the back of my car and spoke to them in a hushed tone. After that, one of the officers stayed near his car while one came back, very apologetic.
I said all of that to say this: do you see how quickly this could have turned for the worse?
Tyler wants racial profiling to be considered a hate crime.
Stand for Justice, Stand for Trayvon! Our Motto: To Educate, Inform via Social Media, and Stand Our Ground for Justice! To Defend and Uphold our Civil Rights Provisions; VORP, Victim Offender Reconciliation Program End Racial Profiling, End Racism, End Discrimination, End Prejudice, End Hatred, End Harassment and Bullying, End Police brutality and Cover up; Let's build communities of trust; Let's promote freedom, social and civil rights; Down with "Shoot First, Ask Questions later"
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