Clothes do make a man. It is not a new art. The art of manliness appears to have been lost. Men are no longer interested in wearing the right clothes. Men and women are walking around with saggy pants. They are showing up anywhere and everywhere with all kinds of clothes half worn down to their ankles. It is a new fad that should be expired by now.
Who is to say something about saggy clothes? Well, enters Judge John Bush. He sent LaMarcus to jail for 3 days for contempt of court!
""You are in contempt of court because you showed your butt in court," a visibly irate Bush told Ramsey. "You can spend three days in jail. When you get out you can buy pants that fit, or at least get a belt to hold up your pants so your underwear doesn't show."
News of the judge's ruling spread quickly.
"It's what everybody is talking about. People working in the courthouse and folks who have business in the courthouse," Circuit Clerk Whit Moncrief said. "I've never seen anything like this. There's more talk in town about this than past capital murder cases where we've had the death penalty handed down."
"I say good for Judge Bush," said Joan Thompson, a Prattville resident. "This is a pet peeve of mine. Nobody wants to see somebody else's butt or underwear. It is a sign of disrespect, and I'm glad somebody finally had the nerve to do something about it."
Bush said he understands why the situation has struck a chord.
"I feel the public in general is sick and tired of the fundamental lack of respect we see in everyday life," he said. "This is the courtroom. You need to respect the building and what it stands for. This is not my courtroom. This is the people's house. And the citizens of the 19th Judicial Circuit of Alabama expect me to preserve the dignity and respect of their courtroom."
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